RSPCA Can't Make Up Its Mind
It is not news for those who keep up with the hypocrisies of the RSPCA but this has got to take first prize.
Readers of THE LAND will know of a story which ran 12th May 2008 headed -
The RSPCA has taken its activism into primary school class rooms in Brisbane, where students donned pink shirts in the lead up to Mothers' Day to tell the community that "pigs are mums too" and shouldn't be kept in sow stalls.
Read the full story here.
If this page does not show up for you, then take a look at the screen capture of this page located here.
Now for the hypocrisy part . . .
Anyone see A BLIND EYE on ABC Four Corners Television 21st June 2004? (Web screen capture is located here.)
Reading the transcript of this program clearly shows the RSPCA for what it is; an over funded, hypocritical organisation that has totally forgotten its very own charter and clearly has no idea of what it should be doing. Web screen capture of the transcript is located here.)
On one hand RSPCA slams pig farmers, on the other hand it turn a blind eye to the whole thing!
Is the RSPCA for welfare of animals or is the RSPCA an activist organisation?
The answer to both is ever so blatantly clear. The RSPCA IS and HAS been an activist organisation for many years now however the RSPCA plays the fence game in order to get funding from unsuspecting public not to use for the welfare of animals but to use for lobbying governments to further its animal rights causes.
I would encourage everyone to visit the ABC Four Corners Forum, (web screen capture located here) click on the A BLIND EYE link on the left hand side (web screen capture of this topic is located here) and add your comment about this hypocritical organisation which continues to mislead everyone from our law makers to the generous public that continue to open their pockets and hand over cash which the RSPCA misuse!
There are a number of other worth while threads on the left menu that may interest you also.
If you have any tip offs for the ABC Four Corners program about the RSPCA hypocrisy and double standards, go here or here and let Four Corners know about it.
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