PETA In Australia
I wonder how many Australians know who or what PETA is?
Or the sheer dogged determination PETA has to reach its well publicised goal of total animal liberation.
Watching the goings on of PETA in America for a few years, I am not at all surprised all PETA eyes are on Australia. PETA has its eyes and has had them there for some years, on the Australian Farmers and in particular the wool producers and mulesing.Graphic, misleading tactics is at the very base of PETAs success. Using the overstated approach like this image, gets the kind of result PETA aims for. This graphic image on the right is one example of overstating the facts. To put this image in context, an image of a 'fly stricken' sheep needs to be next to it but you will NEVER see why certain things are done in any PETA campaign. But more about fly strike at the end.
Here is a Billboard rejected by Australia and rightly so!
So much so is PETA determined to stop mulesing on Australia sheep that is has been successful boycott campaign's around the world. The boycott began in America with the first major retailer, Abercrombie & Fitch, refusing to stock wool products that came from Australian sheep which had the mulesing procedure performed to prevent 'fly strike'. Soon after the success in America with Abercromie & Fitch PETA moved to other countries.
Benetton has resisted the pressures from PETA but sadly this can not be said of all retailers. The latest PETA victim is Hugo Boss. Hugo Boss put out a press statement saying
"HUGO BOSS disassociates itself from mulesing because it contravenes our corporate values … [and] has decided to phase out the use of wool from farms that perform mulesing—including clip mulesing. Should mulesing not have ended completely by 2010, HUGO BOSS will refuse to purchase wool material from farms that perform mulesing."
I guess Hugo Boss will continue to purchase Australian Wool until 2010, perhaps this was a clever Hugo Boss response to get PETA off of its back either way a 'cave in' is evident on the part Hugo Boss.
It is important, in a world full of choice in a world that truly is our 'oyster' we make a commitment to boycott Hugo Boss!
Warning: The following images are very graphic and NOT manipulated but are included for educational purposes to understand why mulesing is the only way to ensure sheep do not suffer the agonising slow death while being eaten by maggots from the inside out.This images shows fly strike flys laying maggots inside a sheep. These maggots will work their way further inside and eat the sheep to death from the inside out. An unspeakably agonising death which can be prevented by mulesing.
This images shows the maggots which were deposited by the flies, into the wool, working their way to the flesh of the sheep to begin eating their way into the sheep.
This image shows a lamb with fly strike that can no longer walk and is near death. Mulesing could have saved this poor lamb from this horrendous painful death.
This image shows the maggots eating away the flesh of a sheep. Once again mulesing would have prevented this from happening.
This images clearly shows the screw worms (maggots) left behind by flies, eating away animal flesh. I can not even imagine the pain and suffering this animal is going through.
It really begs the question why PETA wants to see animals suffer by stopping a procedure that can stop the suffering?
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